From the joint work with the greenland foundation, we sought to design a series of elements that would provide a rural
Alejandro Serna R, Isabela Zabala M, Maria Alejandra M, Oscar Salamanca D.         
ABIBE System
Language: English
COL 2020

The ABIBE furniture system seeks to provide the public space of a park adjacent to a social housing project with furniture and bring the design to its inhabitants, mostly families.

The design is in accordance with the space and climate of a region as varied as the Urabá region of Antioquia.

With this design we sought a system with which they could play with each other, achieving different sets that allow its users different positions and interactions between them and with the element.

This is how its differentiating value is its capacity with only two elements to create different dispositions of the space and the users.

The exercise of design should be thought not only in terms of the masses and consumer goods, it should be a means by which society can develop greater equity among those who inhabit it.